Author name: The Female Quotient

Here’s What Businesses Leaders Should Know About Investing in Crypto

Many people have heard of Bitcoin, but only a small percentage fully understand how crypto investments work. According to 2021 data from the Pew Research Center, nine out of 10 Americans say they know a little bit about crypto. Still, only 16 percent say they have invested, traded or used some form of crypto. While …

Here’s What Businesses Leaders Should Know About Investing in Crypto Read More »

Bridging Worlds: Meta’s Nicola Mendelsohn on Building a Global Pathway for Women in Business

Since the pandemic, we’ve witnessed a trail of women leaving their corporate jobs to pursue their passions and jumpstart independent business ideas. As the holiday season is quickly approaching, many shoppers are looking for opportunities to support these women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs. In an effort to spotlight female founders, Nicola Mendelsohn, VP of Global Business …

Bridging Worlds: Meta’s Nicola Mendelsohn on Building a Global Pathway for Women in Business Read More »

How Arezoo Riahi is Designing the Future Through Belonging and Connection

How we show up in the workplace is not only determined by our life experience, but it’s also heavily influenced by the culture that leaders build for us in these work spaces. Arezoo Riahi, Head of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity at Waymo, an autonomous driving technology company, is no stranger to connecting the dots of …

How Arezoo Riahi is Designing the Future Through Belonging and Connection Read More »

Rhonda Broussard, Founder of the Nonprofit Beloved Community, Gets Real About Supporting Black, Queer Women at Work – and So-Called “Professional Attire”

Welcome to the FQuestionnaire, a regular forum where we talk to change agents across different industries to learn from their unique perspectives on career building, as well as how they are advancing equality in their work and personal lives. Rhonda Broussard is an award-winning education entrepreneur, sought-after public speaker, and founder and CEO of Beloved …

Rhonda Broussard, Founder of the Nonprofit Beloved Community, Gets Real About Supporting Black, Queer Women at Work – and So-Called “Professional Attire” Read More »

How Caitlyn Kumi Is Helping the Next Generation of Women Accelerate Their Career Growth

Welcome back for another FQuestionnaire, where women in our community share perspectives on their life, career, and how they advance equality in their industries. Today, we spotlight founder and social impact entrepreneur Caitlyn Kumi. A little over two years ago, during her junior year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kumi founded …

How Caitlyn Kumi Is Helping the Next Generation of Women Accelerate Their Career Growth Read More »

Cultural Expert and Brand Strategist Jess Weiner on Helping Brands Walk the Walk in Diversity and Inclusion

The FQuestionnaire spotlights pioneering women across different industries and their unique perspectives on career building, as well as how they are advancing equality in their fields. Jess Weiner is a cultural expert and creative who has spent 27 years helping people feel seen, heard, and understood through her research and insights on cultural trends. She’s …

Cultural Expert and Brand Strategist Jess Weiner on Helping Brands Walk the Walk in Diversity and Inclusion Read More »

The Head of JPMorgan Chase’s Global Women on the Move Initiative on Finding Sponsors, Defining Leadership, and Mapping a Successful Career.

Welcome to The FQuestionnaire, where women in our community share perspectives on their life, career, and how they advance equality in the industries they work in. Today, we’re putting a spotlight on Sam Saperstein, Managing Director and Head of Women on the Move at JPMorgan Chase. Women on the Move is a global initiative that …

The Head of JPMorgan Chase’s Global Women on the Move Initiative on Finding Sponsors, Defining Leadership, and Mapping a Successful Career. Read More »

Five Things You Need to Know from the World Economic Forum’s Annual Global Gender Gap Index

Let’s cut to the chase: the news isn’t good. Since 2006, The World Economic Forum (WEF) has assessed gender parity across four metrics: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment. The 2022 Global Gender Gap Index measured 146 countries and estimates that at the current rate of progress, it will …

Five Things You Need to Know from the World Economic Forum’s Annual Global Gender Gap Index Read More »

3 Principles Empathetic Leaders Should Adopt to Manage Teams Well

Aaron Rodgers, the world-famous Green Bay Packers quarterback, sought to renegotiate shortening his contract, hoping to be traded during the 2021 NFL offseason. The reason? He felt like he was being left out of decision-making and treated like any player — not the superstar that he is. In his new book, A New Way to …

3 Principles Empathetic Leaders Should Adopt to Manage Teams Well Read More »

First-Time Moms, Here’s How to Transition Back to Work After Maternity Leave

As you inch toward the end of your parental leave, the thought of leaving your little one in the hands of someone else might be enough to send you spiraling. I was an anxious wreck before taking my then-12-week-old to daycare. As a first-time mom, my life was consumed with doctor’s appointments, nap schedules, navigating …

First-Time Moms, Here’s How to Transition Back to Work After Maternity Leave Read More »