Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Silvia Ihensekhien

Silvia Ihensekhien

Director of Information Security and Risk Management, Swire Coca-Cola

“I’m proud to be a minority female leader in cyber and to contribute to the industry’s diversity, paving the way for more women in the field.”

Silvia never imagined a future in cybersecurity, but destiny had other plans. She oversaw IT operations, product management, customer service, IT development, and the implementation of cybersecurity measures at her former company, ShipServ, until one day, leadership tapped her to lead and build a cybersecurity team. 

Since then, Silvia has been proud to protect people and organizations from cybersecurity threats while paving the way for future female cyber talent to follow. She is active in the cyber community and open about sharing her experiences as a woman of color in cyber. She understands her voice’s impact on future women pursuing the industry.

What is one skill, interest or talent of yours that makes you GREAT at your job? 

My willingness to step out of my comfort zone. I’m constantly challenging myself, allowing me to think outside the box and approach problems with fresh perspectives. 

What advice would you give a woman who wants to pursue a cyber career but doesn’t think they are qualified?

Believe in yourself, first and foremost! Trust your instincts and pursue what feels right. Don’t let others or the industry intimidate you. Remember that qualifications can be earned with time and effort, and a passion for the field is a strong starting point.

How has being a woman shaped your experience in this industry?

This industry has profoundly shaped my experience as a woman of color. It allows me to be an example for others and encourages them to believe in themselves to achieve their goals. Self-belief and determination transcend barriers.

What do you love about working in the cybersecurity industry?

The industry is always changing, and the fast-paced environment keeps me engaged and motivated. I’m highly satisfied with my job, knowing that my work protects people and organizations from cyber threats.