Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Reshma Budhwani

Reshma Budhwani

Chief Technology Security Officer, NY Life

“I strive to foster a culture of security awareness that empowers all to participate in building a resilient future against evolving cyber threats.”

Reshma’s impact stretches far beyond thwarting cybersecurity threats. She’s also a passionate cyber leader, coach, and mentor.

The reality of often being the only woman in the room has motivated her to be resilient and confident in expressing her voice and ideas and to continue challenging herself to grow into the collaborative and empowering leader she is today. 

Reshma believes it’s essential to have more female role models in cyber so that girls and women pursuing a career in cyber can learn from and gain confidence from another woman who’s been on the journey of balancing personal and professional expectations and success.

What aspects of your career journey have taken you by surprise?

I was surprised by how ever-changing the cybersecurity landscape is and the continuous learning needed to stay ahead of threats. I’ve grown in unexpected areas and learned the power of being adaptable.

I was also impressed by how willing cybersecurity professionals are to share knowledge, collaborate, and support one another. 

What is one skill, interest or talent of yours that makes you GREAT at your job? 

While technical expertise is important in cyber, so is communicating well and explaining complex technical concepts simply and clearly to different stakeholders – from executives to board members to end users. That’s my superpower.

How can we attract more women to the cybersecurity industry? 

We must establish career paths, offer strong coaching and mentoring, and cultivate inclusive workplaces. This involves funding educational initiatives like workshops, mentorships, and school collaborations to encourage girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). We also need to highlight successful women in cybersecurity as role models and invest in ongoing professional growth for women in the field at every stage.

What makes you proud to be a part of the cybersecurity industry?

I’m proud to be part of an industry that is leading the fight against cyber threats, one of the most important challenges of our time.