Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Mary Rose Martinez

Mary Rose Martinez

Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, Marathon Petroleum Corporation

“It’s the only field I know where we link arms across sectors including companies, competitors, customers, regulatory organizations and more, to fight the same fight.”

From software engineer to digital marketer to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) –  Mary Rose’s unconventional career story is a testament to the opportunities women of various backgrounds can unlock in cyber and beyond.

With a technical background and working in oil and gas, Mary Rose has long been eroding stereotypes in spaces traditionally dominated by white males. When she was tapped for the CISO role, she went all in despite not having prior cyber experience. However, she knew she was eager to learn, adapt and accept the challenges.

What are the ways you stay grounded and take care of yourself?

I work out six days a week, use food as fuel, and prioritize sleep. There are so many studies on the benefits of sleep such that I now prioritize it over working out.

What is one skill, interest or talent of yours that makes you GREAT at your job? 

When the world is on fire, I tend to stay really calm and start focusing and problem-solving.

How has being a woman shaped your experience in this industry?

Being surrounded by white males was normal for me, being in the oil and gas industry and in a technical field. I often didn’t realize I was the only woman or person of color until other women or minorities pointed it out to me. Over time, I realized the obligation to show women and minorities that they can pursue something bigger.

What do you love about working in the cybersecurity industry?

It’s challenging and ever evolving. It’s also the only field I know where we link arms across sectors, including competitors, customers, regulatory organizations and more, to fight the same fight. I love, love, love our collaborative network. It reminds me that I’m working for something much larger.

If you didn’t start your career in cyber, where did you start? And what about that experience prepared you to transition into a role in cyber?

I was a software engineer by trade. When I got tapped for the cyber role, I realized that there’s so much you can learn from any role and you don’t have to be a hundred percent proficient in a role before you accept it.