Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Mait Saggara Lamiel

Mait Sagarra Lamiel

Head of Cyber Operations, Naturgy Energy Group

“There are cyber opportunities for all kinds of professionals. It’s a sector that’s ‘under construction’ that we can all contribute to and help grow.”

Mait started her career in IT as an SAP project manager in a French multinational before spending 20 years in DevOps in different companies and landing her current role in cyber. She’s committed to making the world a better and more secure place and building a future where everyone can participate.

She envisions a future with more women engineers and professionals thriving in this dynamic field and encourages curious women to give it a try.

What aspects of your career journey have taken you by surprise?

When I was named head of a department where all my coworkers were men, I lived 600 km away, and I worked reduced hours to take care of my babies.

What is one skill, interest or talent of yours that makes you GREAT at your job? 

I keep things simple which is key because time always runs against us.

What advice would you give a woman who wants to pursue a cyber career but doesn’t think they are qualified?

Try it! Cyber is a huge sector and talent is so scarce, I’m sure there’s the perfect job waiting for them from operations to risk management and more.

How has being a woman shaped your experience in this industry?

In some countries like mine, women have fewer opportunities to speak out, progress in their careers, or make a difference at work. But I’ve always believed women are better at solving problems or managing teams, which kept me motivated!