Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Daphne Lucas

Daphne Lucas

Partner, Deloitte

“Kind and genuine leadership is the best way to develop future leaders and inspire people to do their best work and be the best versions of themselves.”

Originally trained as a teacher, Daphne entered the cyber world after earning a master’s in cryptography, but in a way, her teaching career came full circle. She continues to leverage her teaching experiences to counsel and educate executives and board members on industry trends and issues there.

To increase diverse representation in cyber, Daphne sees an opportunity for current women leaders to coach and mentor women who are finding their place in the industry.

What is the first thing you do to start your day?

I’ll make tea and send emails that I drafted the night before. I’ve also been embarrassingly hooked on solving New York Times puzzles.

How has being a woman shaped your experience in this industry?

Being the only woman was sometimes intimidating, but I also got to contribute a different perspective to the conversation. Diversity is important for cyber because it brings together different experiences and perspectives. 

What advice would you give a woman who wants to pursue a cyber career but doesn’t think they are qualified?

Building a network and talking to others in the industry are great ways to learn about different cyber roles. Then, pick something interesting and learn more about it through cyber courses, certifications and other resources.

What makes you proud to be a part of the cybersecurity industry?

I’m proud to protect people, jobs and companies, including our clients and their organizations, customers and employees.