Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Women in Cyber 2024: Redefining And Safeguarding Our Future
Alessandra Barea

Alessandra Barea

LATAM, Global Systems Integrator Leader, Palo Alto Networks

“My success came from creating new things for gaps that nobody else was filling.”

Alessandra’s journey into cybersecurity started early at age 15 when she was fixing computers as part of her high school’s electronics careers program. She later transitioned into networking, which led her to the heart of Silicon Valley. There, she specialized in infrastructure and security solutions and fell in love with cybersecurity. 

Alessandra envisions a future where women feel comfortable being themselves and a job market for women in cyber.

What do you do for fun?

I love painting. Sometimes, if I’m very stressed and I have 20 or 30 minutes, I go to my room and paint. It’s like meditation.

What advice would you give a woman who wants to pursue a cyber career but doesn’t think they are qualified?

You don’t need to ask anyone for permission or wait for anyone.

What is your biggest strength as a leader?

I’m very empathetic and create an environment where people can be themselves. The first thing to do to build trust between leaders and the team is to be vulnerable. I show my vulnerability and allow the team to show theirs.

What makes you proud to be a part of the cybersecurity industry?

Cybersecurity is so new that it’s like we’re creating a new market. I know my name will go down in the history of cyber. I believe we can create something new in the market like a kind of leadership and environment where people feel safe as who they are.